Category: Design Thinking

  • Chart Options

    When creating a chart of options a form of brainstorming will occur for each decision area maximising the options These options are at this stage independent to each other To create solutions

  • Options Graph

    The options graph illustrates the various ideas and their working combinations. The solutions. Rather than outlining the solutions, lines are used to connect the ideas that are most unlikely, due to cost, functionality, weight, surface finish etc. This is because there are normally a greater number of possible solutions than impossibilities to any problem.At a…

  • Creative Thinking Assistance

    Creative Space Some people find it effective to have their own creative space. This may be a layout of a room in which they have music playing in the background. It could also be with respect to a certain layout of items on any work surface that they are familiar with, which helps them feel…

  • Expression Form

    Expressive Forms can be described as product sculpture and are closely associated with the study of styling. In order to gain a better comprehension on form a simple task has been set. Your task is to select two descriptors which include gender and and 2 attributes from the list below. You must then through the…

  • Need to write a creative brief?

    Bellow are guidelines for anyone wishing to write the perfect creative brief. When engaging in a new project we want to get the ball rolling quickly, layout expectations early and agree time-scales and budgets.  Removing ifs, buts and maybes from the process greatly increases the chances of the designer surpassing the client’s expectations and the development of a…

  • Dieter Rams, Ten principles for good design

    Good design is innovative. Good design makes a product useful. Good design is aesthetic. Good design makes a product understandable. Good design is unobtrusive. Good design is honest. Good design is long-lasting. Good design is thorough down to the last detail. Good design is environmentally friendly. Good design is as little design as possible.

  • Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity

    Sir Ken Robinson makes an entertaining and profoundly moving case for creating an education system that nurtures (rather than undermines) creativity