Category: Management

  • Sketchbook/Notebook methodology

    Sketchbook/Notebook methodology

    Sketchbooks and notebooks are one and the same when you are an artist. Sketches are notes and notes illustrations of moments of inspiration and enquiry.  The most important part of any system is to stay out of the way of creativity and spark that lights our fire. Pages of drawings can be free conventions unless…

  • No More Managers. Everyone Leads

    An engineering researcher was clairvoyant when he said in 1994 that subordinates often make the best leaders: Often with small groups, it is not the manager who emerges as the leader. In many cases it is a subordinate member with specific talents who leads the group in a certain direction. Leaders must let vision, strategies,…

  • Teamwork Ground Rules

    Good advice from Kristof Kovacs There’s only three things: ASK: If a task is not clear, or more information is needed, please ask as soon as possible. Asking is always ok. Doing the wrong thing (or doing nothing) because you didn’t ask is not ok. DEBRIEF: It’s not done until you reported it done. This…

  • The Creative Brief

    Don’t let the question predict, limit and/or hide the answer. It is very important when creating a brief for a creative project not to be overly prescriptive as it will limit the possible creative outcomes. Trust the team and the creative process to deliver unexpected results that fill your requirements. When engaging in a new…

  • Rules of engagement

    Before work can begin with a new creative team or group of teams it is important that some ground rules are established and very clearly and consistently enforced (enforced may seem harsh, but clear boundaries are not a bad thing). One conversation at a time There are no bad ideas Fail early and fail often…

  • Need to write a creative brief?

    Bellow are guidelines for anyone wishing to write the perfect creative brief. When engaging in a new project we want to get the ball rolling quickly, layout expectations early and agree time-scales and budgets.  Removing ifs, buts and maybes from the process greatly increases the chances of the designer surpassing the client’s expectations and the development of a…