Site icon Conánn Fitzpatrick Alvarez-Casado

Enjoying Film.


It was a cold wet Jan­u­ary in Ourense, Spain, but it was still absolute­ly beau­ti­ful. It nev­er seems to get that cold but boy did it rain. And rain. And rain. Non­stop for days. Wan­der­ing around the town with an umbrel­la was nice. The rain was warm, the mood was good and the atmos­phere in the city was beau­ti­ful as usual. 

Ourense, Spain.

It was only a cou­ple of weeks since my M2 returned from Red Dot Cam­era and I was just try­ing to get used to it and had zero con­fi­dence in my abil­i­ty to get any results at all. Armed with my trusty light meter app for android I wan­dered around snap­ping nervously.

Framer. Ourense, Spain.

Over the last 20 years I’ve become incred­i­bly used to bounc­ing around in frac­tions of stops to get the “right” expo­sure with a mod­ern Nikon or Canon DSLR. It is easy to for­get how much light does­n’t change. Espe­cial­ly when it is over­cast. Film is very for­giv­ing, even when I know I was total­ly wing­ing it, the prints looked OK. The fuji film I was using cre­at­ed real­ly nice con­trasty tones which con­vert­ed to black and white extreme­ly well.

Fab­ric & Crafts. Ourense Spain

The old town part of Ourense is per­fect place to walk around. The build­ings and streets are lined with cafe’s and inter­est­ing faces and places. 

Chest­nut Roast­er. Ourense, Spain

Walk­ing around with an old Leica, with no meter is much more fun than I expected. 

Old town. Ourense Spain.
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